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Joyce Elliott - N.M.I. President
The purpose of NMI (Nazarene Missions International) is to mobilize the church in mission through praying discipling, giving, and educating. Praying Prayer is perhaps the greatest earthly privilege we as Christians are given: communion with God. In simplest terms, prayer is speaking with God. NMI gathers believers together for prayer in the local church, linking us to our brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe. (more) Discipling As each believer disciples another believer, God’s presence multiplies exponentially – a chain reaction of learning, growth, challenge and love that will transform our world. NMI is committed to discipling new generations in their faith journey. Discipling, of course, includes teaching developing young leaders about Christ's global mission, and nurturing their mission passion. (more) Giving One simple and essential way to express mission passion is financial support. NMI has designed a bunch of opportunities to support mission workers and meet human needs around the world through resource sharing. (more) EducatingNMI is committed to helping local churches tell the mission story. We provide resources and support for the local church as it informs and educates its members, not only in what other Nazarenes are doing in mission, but how they can get involved, too. (more)
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Matthew 28:19